
DentalTime clinic provides various dental services to meet the needs of our patients.

Karijes Dentaltime


Treatment of cavities, fillings, root canal treatment...


Fixed, removable prosthetics, zirconia crowns, veneers...

Oral Surgery

tooth extraction, placement of dental implants, surgical treatment of periodontitis...

Our Services

At DentalTime, we are dedicated to providing top-notch care, combining expertise, cutting-edge technology, and individualized approach to ensure optimal oral health and satisfaction of our patients.

01.Conservative Dentistry

Tartar cleaning, teeth whitening, cavity treatment, filling placement, and root canal extraction.


Fixed and removable prosthetics, including non-metal press ceramic, metal-ceramic crowns, zirconia crowns, and veneers.

03.Oral Surgery

Tooth extraction, oral surgical interventions, and other surgical services.

04.Preventive Care

Redoviti stomatološki pregledi, edukacija o oralnoj higijeni i preventivne mjere za očuvanje oralnog zdravlja.


DentalTime d.o.o. dental clinic proudly collaborates with the renowned dental laboratory Dentalteh d.o.o. Our close partnership ensures top quality and precision in crafting dental solutions for our patients.

Zahvaljujući stručnosti i iskustvu naših zubotehničara, možemo pružiti individualno prilagođene dentalne protetike i estetska rješenja koja zadovoljavaju najviše standarde kvalitete i zadovoljavaju sve potrebe i očekivanja naših pacijenata.

Send us your contact information

If you want us to contact you, please send us your phone/mobile number, or emai.


Heinzelova 47 B,
Zagreb, Croatia

Call us

+385 (0)92 409 98 53

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